Yooo!! Thank you Milan and Base for last night, it was amazing! Thanks a lot to everyone who made the event possible and to all the homies that came out, especially the ones who drove or took the train from
Thanks to the homies at CHEF family for this nice article and interview! (In Italian) http://www.cheffamily.com/twerkumentary-by-spaghetto-interview/?fbclid=IwAR2CXJXFnGbdEBg3g8hO6gWa-M8Dq80phDd9zhPuKCwLMADonasSGbCGOfk
Nice article and interview by Federico Sardo. Check it out! (in Italian). https://www.vice.com/it/article/7x9bxq/twerkumentary-e-il-documentario-definitivo-sul-twerking